Katie Naturopathy | Medical Herbalist | Nutrition


Naturopathy is a personalised approach to health care. It recognises that one size does not fit all and we all have individual factors in our lives which can contribute to health (or ill-health). In a naturopathic consultation we uncover those factors, in order to treat the root cause of your symptoms and concerns. This can take time and investigation, which is why a longer consultation is dedicated to you, telling your own story.

I walk along-side you on your health and wellness journey, while we make these discoveries together and work through a step-by-step wellness plan that best suits you, your lifestyle and your budget. Every wellness plan is different and can consist of nutritional recommendations, lifestyle changes, supplementation as well as herbal medicine. 

Not all changes can happen overnight, but I am your guide to offer you support on your journey. 

I believe in educating you through this process so that you come to love and understand your own body. Becoming the master of your own health and wellness is the greatest reward. 

I offer a Health Basics and a Comprehensive Wellness Service. 

Health Basics 

This "no-frills" consultation is for those who want basic health and wellness advice. Great for those with small health concerns, symptoms, or on a limited budget. 

This 1-hour consultation allows us to discuss your main concern and health goal. Before the consultation, you will receive documents to fill out as pre-consultation preparation. At the end of the consultation, the main recommendations will be summarised including nutritional and lifestyle recommendation, as well as any recommended supplementation and herbal medicine which you can purchase at the clinic. You take your own notes.

For more complex health conditions and concerns, or to receive an in-depth Wellness Plan PDF, please consider the "Comprehensive Wellness" consultation. (60 minutes)

Comprehensive Wellness

In this one and a half-hour consultation, I will ask you in-depth questions about yourself and your health history to get the whole picture of your health and wellbeing. We will discuss your main concerns as well as your health goals. (90 minutes)

Before the consultation, you will receive documents to fill out as pre-consultation preparation.

After the consultation, you will receive a personalised wellness plan that includes at least 3 nutritional recommendations and 3 lifestyle interventions, as well as recommended supplementation and herbal medicine, and any extra recommendations. 

Your personalised herbal formula can be purchased in clinic.

This is the first phase of the treatment plan and will be developed on as we progress.