Melanie Ayurveda Consultation


Beauty Tofu is inspired by Ayurveda Lifestyle & we’d love all of our Green Girls to have the opportunity to learn more about this beautiful way of life & healing rituals. It was on a long devout journey of healing, self care, absolute mind, body, soul brokenness that l discovered the Ayurvedic way of life. Along the way on my journey I always land back on Ayurvedic Lifestyle for the ultimate commitment to selfcare, health, happiness and peace.
In your Ayurvedic Consultation we will find your Dosha, discuss Lifestyle, Nutrition and overall wellness goals.
As well as supporting you with referrals to other healing practitioners to ensure you are on the best pathway to healing your Mind + Body + Soul.

The ancient Indian medical system, also known as Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest medical systems and remains one of India's traditional health care systems.
Duration - 60 minutes